Sunday, May 24, 2015

Letting go

 I felt a resurgence of positive energy. After all the awful things of the past year, it's time to let go of them all and move on. As much as I'd like to, I am held back by anger.

I held this anger for the people I cared for but betrayed me in the end. Now that they're out of my life, I can only move forward if I am not held back by hatred.

They may have disappointed me, but it was a learning experience. I could only wish them good luck and stop caring, for the world will keep on turning and the universe keep on existing.

All of us are insignificant. Me. Them. You.

I say, letting go made me feel good. It felt like I can do anything. I felt the nice positive energy flowing immediately.

The only thing to complain about: As with most things in my life, there is a song for every milestone. And as much as I hate it, the Frozen theme song played, Let it Go. Somebody suggest something!

Then, I had to meet me girlfriend. I stayed outside the building, where the old office was housed.

Then I saw them. A wave of anger and hatred flooded me. I stormed off, the memories of the things they've done flashed backin my memory. The sabotage, the trash talk, the backstabbing.

I ain't over it. I probably ever won't. I came to the realization that I can't forgive easily. So, here's what we're gonna do. I have let go — or at least pretend to let go. Since I can't tell the difference if I really did, let's just say that I did let go and will never be in a situation that could remind me of the vile things those wonderful people have done.

Send me a "letting go" song. It might help.

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