Sunday, January 31, 2016

A New Start

In the end of 2014, I left a high-paying job and found myself in a rut. I halfheartedly took a job that paid decently eight months later. The people were amazing; but being from where I was before and where I was then only made me feel dissatisfied.

I left the job that may have been a mistake, but I felt it was time to take a big risk. At age thirty-three, any later would be a bigger risk than it is now. So I threw all precaution to the wind, which is very uncharacteristic of me, and took the plunge -- knowing full well how it may jeopardize my way of living.

For two weeks since I resigned, I've been reevaluating my life. It only got me angry.

I became a stranger to my own self. I lost my identity.

I've been channeling all the anger on other stuff. I was able to make it to Level 13 on a mobile game because of that anger. I feel sorry for the people around me.

I decided to revisit American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I loved that book ten years ago. Reading it now, as an adult, although still fun and refreshing, is different than when I read it when I was younger. I'm happy to read a book and not be conscious of the things that bothered me before. I was an editor, and happily, I no longer so conscious about punctuation. Maybe that's one reason I stopped reading.

Tomorrow, I start work for a start-up company that pays. Hopefully, this is a good decision.

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